第五十七卷 .......................111年10月
1. 產青殼蛋與白殼蛋褐色菜鴨在產蛋期不同月齡血清生化值及蛋殼厚度與強度之比較(陳盈豪 、林炳宏、陳楷勳 、李欣玫 、黃士哲)
2. 溫和高與低蛋白質飼糧交替餵飼對生長期雄性土番鴨生長性能與血中代謝物含量之影響(廖翊均、陳凱柏、蓋信銓、陳盈豪、楊錫坤、朱自淳✽)
1 內團體、價格促銷與性別差異之共桌行為意向初探(張亦騏*)
2. 新冠肺炎疫情期間台灣郵輪旅遊消費價值與行為(李貴宜*、李建勳)
3. 翻轉教學課程設計對西餐廚藝技能學習效能之研究(陳育蒼 、林育正 *)
1. 高齡體適能運動介入對高齡者之睡眠評估-以長安護理之家為例 (林傅偉、吳旻寰 、周佩玉 *)
Tunghai Journal(College of Agriculture)
Volume 57------Oct 2022
Animal Science and Biotechnology
1. Comparison of Serum Biochemical Values and Eggshell Thickness and Strength between Blue-shelled and White-shelled Egg of Brown Tsaiya Duck at Laying Period during Different Months of Age (Yieng-How Chen, Ping-Hung Lin, Kai-Syun Chen2, Shin-Mei Lee, Shih-Che Huang)
2. Effects of sequential feeding with moderate low- and high-protein diets on the growth performance and the fasting plasma metabolite levels in male growing mule ducks ( Yi-Chun Liao, Kai-Po Chen, Hsin-Chuan Kai, Yieng-How Chen, Shyi-Kuen Yang, and Tz-Chuen Ju*)
Hospitality Management
1. An Exploration of the Influence of In-group, Price Promotion and Gender Difference on Table Sharing Intention ( Yevvon, Yi-Chi Chang*)
2. Consumption Values and Behavior to Cruise Travelers in Taiwan During COVID-19 Period in Taiwan (Kuei-I Lee*and Chien-Hsun Lee)
3. The study on learning efficacy of western cuisine cooking skill affected by flapped curriculum design.(Yu-Cheng Chen 1and Yu-Tsang Lin)
Senior Wellness and Sports Science